How to Wash a Pillow Pet: Easy Guide for Clean & Fluffy Friends

As a pet owner, you know how important keeping your friend clean and healthy is. But what about your pillow pet? Did you know these soft and cuddly companions also require regular cleaning to maintain …

How to wash a pillow pet.

As a pet owner, you know how important keeping your friend clean and healthy is. But what about your pillow pet? Did you know these soft and cuddly companions also require regular cleaning to maintain their fluffiness and hygiene?
In this guide, we’ll show you how to wash a pillow pet safely and effectively, whether you choose to hand wash or use a washing machine. We’ll also cover tips on drying and maintaining your pillow pet’s freshness between washes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Regular washing is essential for maintaining your pillow pet’s cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Preparing your pillow pet for washing includes checking for unique care labels and removing detachable parts.
  • Hand washing your pillow pet requires a gentle approach with mild soap and warm water.
  • Machine washing is possible but requires precautions such as using a gentle cycle and avoiding excessive spinning.
  • Proper drying is essential to stop mold or mildew from forming.
  • Maintaining your pillow pet’s fluffiness includes regular brushing and spot cleaning.
  • Electronic pillow pets require special care, including removing any batteries before washing.
  • Stain removal techniques include using mild soap, baking soda, and water mixture.
  • Alternative cleaning methods include using baking soda or fabric fresheners.

Why Should You Wash Your Pillow Pet Regularly?

Your pillow pet is likely one of your child’s favorite toys; they may take it with them everywhere they go. As a result, it may get dirty and even smelly over time. Washing your pillow pet regularly is essential for keeping it clean and hygienic.
Pillow pets can accumulate dirt, dust, sweat, and even bacteria and allergens over time. This buildup can cause unpleasant odors and affect your child’s allergies or health. Therefore, cleaning your pillow pet regularly is essential to remove any harmful substances.
Regular washing can also prevent damage to the fabric and stuffing, as dirt and dust can wear and tear the material. Keeping your pillow pet clean and well-maintained will prolong its lifespan and ensure your child can enjoy it for years.

Preparing Your Pillow Pet for Washing

Washing your pillow pet is important to keeping it clean and hygienic. However, before you start flying, preparing your pillow pet properly is essential. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Check for special care labels

Before washing, check your pillow pet’s care label for any specific instructions. Some pillow pets may require handwashing only or may not be suitable for washing. Always follow the label instructions to avoid damaging your pillow pet.

Step 2: Remove detachable parts

If your pillow pet has detachable parts such as ribbons or accessories, remove them before washing. This will prevent them from getting damaged or tangled in the wash.

Step 3: Brush off loose dirt and debris

Before washing, use a soft-bristled brush or vacuum to remove any loose dirt from your pillow pet. This will make cleaning easier and help intercept dirt or debris from embedding in the fabric.

Step 4: Secure any Velcro or zippers

If your pillow pet has Velcro or zippers, ensure they are securely fastened before washing. This will prevent them from snagging or damaging other items in the wash.
Following these steps, you can ensure that your pillow pet is ready for washing and will come out looking clean and fluffy.

Hand Washing Your Pillow Pet

Hand washing is often the preferred method for cleaning pillow pets, as it allows you to control the pressure applied to the material. This is especially important for stuffed animals that are delicate or have special care instructions.

First, fill a sink with slightly warm water and add mild soap or detergent. Be sure to read the label on your detergent to ensure it’s suitable for the material of your pillow pet.

  1. Check the care label on your pillow pet for any specific instructions or restrictions.
  2. Remove detachable parts, such as clothing or accessories, to prevent tangling or damage.
  3. Gently submerge your pillow pet in soapy water, being careful not to scrub or agitate it too vigorously.
  4. Use a soft cloth to mildly clean the surface of your pillow pet, paying attention to any areas that are particularly dirty.
  5. Rinse your pillow pet thoroughly with clean water until all the soap is removed.
  6. mildly squeeze out any excess water without wringing or twisting the material, which can cause damage or distortion.

Once you’ve finished washing your pillow pet, lay it flat on a towel and let it to air dry completely. Avoid using a dryer or direct heat, as it can damage the material and stuff inside. You may also want to fluff the material periodically during the drying process to help maintain its shape and plushness.

With some care and attention, your pillow pet will be clean, fresh, and ready for snuggles quickly!

Machine Wash: Can You Put Your Pillow Pet in the Washing Machine?

If you’re wondering whether you can throw your Pillow Pet in the washing machine, yes, but with caution. Machine washing can be convenient but can also damage the material if not done correctly.
Before tossing your Pillow Pet into the washer, ensure it’s manageable to handle machine washing. Check the label for any specific instructions. If there are no labels, stick to the gentle cycle with cold or warm water.
Placing your Pillow Pet in a pillowcase to protect it during the wash is best. Avoid using too much cleaner as it can be harsh on the fabric.
Remember that the spinning cycle can cause your Pillow Pet to lose shape or even tear. Set your machine on a low spin cycle or prevent it altogether to avoid this.
Once the washing cycle is complete, remove your Pillow Pet from the machine and proceed to the drying step.

Drying Your Pillow Pet

Once you have finished washing your pillow pet, it is essential to dry it to avoid any risk of mold or mildew. There are two primary methods for drying your pillow pet: air drying and using a dryer on a low heat setting.
If you choose to air dry your pillow pet, start by gently squeezing out any excess water. Then, lay it flat on dry towel, shaping it as it dries. Avoid hanging it up to dry, which can distort the shape of your pillow pet.
If you prefer using a dryer, place your pillow pet in the dryer on a low heat or delicate cycle. To avoid any damage, put it in a pillowcase or laundry bag and add some towels to reduce the impact of the tumble. Check regularly to ensure it is not overheating or getting damaged.

Maintaining Fluffiness and Freshness

After you’ve washed your pillow pet, you’ll want to keep it looking and feeling fresh for as long as possible. Here are some tips to maintain its fluffiness and freshness:

  • Brush your pillow pet regularly to keep its fur or hair soft and fluffy. A soft-bristled brush or a lint roller can help remove dirt and debris that may stick to it over time.
  • Spot clean any stains as soon as possible to prevent them from setting in. Use a damp cloth and mild cleaner to scrub away any dirt or stains gently.
  • Avoid exposing your pillow pet to moisture or direct sunlight, which may cause the fabric to fade or lose its softness.

Following these tips, you can help ensure your pillow pet stays clean, fluffy, and fresh for extended periods.

Special Considerations for Electronic Pillow Pets

If you have an electronic pillow pet, taking special care when washing it is essential. Follow these tips to ensure your electronic friend stays clean and safe:

  • Remove any batteries or electronic components before washing.
  • Use a damp cloth to clean the surface of the pillow pet instead of immersing it in water.

These precautions allow you to keep your electronic pillow pet clean without damaging its delicate electronic components.

Stain Removal Techniques

Stains can be incredibly stubborn to remove from a pillow pet, but with the proper techniques, you can get your furry friend looking fresh and clean again.
The first step in removing a stain is to find out the type of stain and the fabric of your pillow pet. For oil-based stains such as grease or food, try applying cornstarch or baking soda to absorb the oil before brushing it off. For water-based paints like juice or coffee, use a mixture of mild soap and water or a vinegar solution to blot the stain gently.
For tougher stains, mix up baking soda with water to make a paste and gently apply it to the affected area. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a soft cloth. Avoid using harmful chemicals or bleach, as they may damage the fabric.
It’s essential to treat stains as soon as possible to prevent them from settling into the fabric. If you need help with the type of stain or how to remove it, refer to the label or reach out the manufacturer for advice.
Using these stain removal techniques, you can keep your pillow pet looking fresh and clean for years.

Alternatives to Washing

While it’s recommended to wash your pillow pet regularly, there are some alternatives to keep it fresh in between washes. These methods are perfect for when you don’t have the luxury of time for a complete wash or if your pillow pet is not suitable for washing.

  • Brushing: Regular brushing with a soft-bristled brush or comb can help remove loose dirt and debris from your pillow pet.
  • Baking soda: shower a small amount of baking soda on your pillow pet and letting it sit for a few hours before brushing it off can help eliminate odors.
  • Fabric fresheners: Spraying a fabric freshener on your pillow pet can help freshen it up between washes. Be sure to choose a safe product for use on plush toys and follow the instructions carefully.

Remember, while these methods can help maintain the cleanliness and freshness of your pillow pet, it’s still important to wash it regularly to eliminate any built-up dirt, bacteria, and allergens.


Washing your pillow pet is essential to maintaining its cleanliness and hygiene. By removing dirt, bacteria, and allergens, you not only keep your fluffy friend looking and smelling fresh, but you also protect your health.
Remember to check for special care labels and follow the correct washing instructions for your pillow pet. Whether you hand wash or use a machine, always use a gentle approach to avoid damaging the material. And remember to ensure your pillow pet is dehydrated before using it again.
By following these simple steps, you can keep your pillow pet fluffy and fresh for years. Try out some of the stain removal and quick cleaning techniques shared in this article to give your pillow pet the TLC it deserves.


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