What is a Pillow Princess? Discover the Term’s Definition & More

If you’re new to sex and relationships, you may have encountered the term “pillow princess” and wondered what it means. Put, a pillow princess enjoys receiving pleasure during sexual activities but may not be as …

What is a pillow princess?

If you’re new to sex and relationships, you may have encountered the term “pillow princess” and wondered what it means. Put, a pillow princess enjoys receiving pleasure during sexual activities but may not be as interested in reciprocating.

Interestingly, the term “pillow princess” has evolved and has different meanings depending on the subject. It’s important to note that being a pillow princess is not harmful and should not be stigmatized or judged.

Key Takeaways:

  • A pillow princess enjoys receiving pleasure during sexual activities but may not be as interested in reciprocating.
  • The term “pillow princess” can have different meanings depending on the context.
  • Being a pillow princess is not harmful and should not be stigmatized or judged.

Understanding a Pillow Princess: Definition and Characteristics

So, what does it mean to be a pillow princess? While definitions may vary depending on who you ask, a pillow princess typically refers to a person, usually a woman, who prefers to receive sexual pleasure without reciprocating. In other words, they may be more passive or submissive during sexual encounters.

It’s important to note that being a pillow princess is not necessarily a negative or derogatory term. It simply describes a particular preference or behavior in the bedroom.

Characteristics of a Pillow Princess

Some common characteristics associated with being a pillow princess include:

  • Preference for receiving sexual pleasure rather than giving it
  • Limited interest in or reluctance to engage in sexual activities that require more effort or participation
  • Passive or submissive behavior during sexual encounters

However, it’s essential to recognize that everyone’s sexual preferences and behaviors are unique and complex. Not all people who display these characteristics necessarily identify as pillow princesses, and the term should not be used to make assumptions or judgments about someone’s sexual identity.

Exploring Pillow Princess Stereotypes

Like any label, being a pillow princess can come with stereotypes and misconceptions attached. Some common ones include:

“Pillow princesses are lazy and selfish in bed.”

This harmful stereotype perpetuates negativity towards those with different sexual preferences. It’s essential to recognize that everyone has other desires and limitations in the bedroom, and judging or shaming someone for them is unfair.

“Pillow princesses don’t like to please their partner.”

While it’s true that pillow princesses may not enjoy certain sexual activities, it doesn’t mean they don’t prioritize their partner’s pleasure. Communication and respect are key in any sexual relationship, and it’s essential to have open and honest conversations about preferences and boundaries.

Identifying a Pillow Princess

Identifying a pillow princess can sometimes be challenging since everyone’s sexual preferences and behaviors are unique. However, some signs to look for may include:

  • The choice for receiving pleasure rather than giving it
  • Limited interest in or reluctance to engage in sexual activities that require more effort or participation
  • Passive or submissive behavior during sexual encounters

It’s important to note that these signs do not necessarily mean someone identifies as a pillow princess. Additionally, it’s essential to approach sexual relationships with an open mind and without judgment.

Pillow Princess in the LGBTQ+ Community

The term “pillow princess” is frequently used within LGBTQ+ communities to describe someone who enjoys receiving sexual pleasure but does not reciprocate in the same way. The time is often associated with lesbian and bisexual women but can apply to anyone of any gender identity or sexual orientation.

For some individuals, being a pillow princess aligns with their sexual preferences and plays a vital role in their relationships. However, the term can also be used in a derogatory way to shame those who identify as pillow princesses.

It is essential to recognize that everyone has different sexual preferences, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sexual pleasure. The term “pillow princess” within the LGBTQ+ community should be based on mutual respect and individual preferences.

Debunking Pillow Princess Stereotypes

Being labeled a “pillow princess” often comes with many stereotypes and misconceptions attached. However, it’s important to challenge these assumptions and better understand what it means to identify as a pillow princess.

One common stereotype is that pillow princesses are selfish and only interested in receiving pleasure, without any concern for their partner’s needs. However, this is not always the case. Like any other sexual preference, being a pillow princess is a matter of personal choice and does not necessarily reflect one’s character or behavior.

Another misconception is that pillow princesses are less sexually adventurous or open-minded. Again, this is not necessarily true. While some pillow princesses may prefer a more passive role in the bedroom, others may be eager to explore different sexual experiences and techniques.

Furthermore, the assumption that all pillow princesses are cisgender and heterosexual is also an incorrect stereotype. The term can be applied to individuals of any gender identity or sexual orientation. Being a pillow princess can be a way of expressing one’s unique sexual identity and preferences.

Ultimately, it’s essential to recognize that being a pillow princess is not a negative or shameful. It is simply a term used to describe a particular sexual preference. By challenging these stereotypes and misconceptions, we can make a more inclusive and accepting environment for all individuals to freely express their sexual preferences without fear of judgment or ridicule.

How to Identify a Pillow Princess

Identifying a pillow princess may seem difficult initially, but a few key traits can help you recognize someone who identifies as one. It’s important to note that everyone’s preferences can vary, and not all pillow princesses will display these traits.

  • Passive behavior: Pillow princesses prefer receiving pleasure rather than giving it. They may exhibit sedentary behavior and expect their partner to take control.
  • Low to no interest in giving oral sex: Pillow princesses may not enjoy or feel comfortable performing oral sex on their partners. They may prefer to receive oral sex instead.
  • Focus on receiving: They may prioritize receiving pleasure during sexual activities and have little interest in giving pleasure to their partner.

Remember that communication is crucial in any relationship, which is no different regarding pillow princesses. Suppose you suspect that your partner may identify as one. In that case, it’s essential to have an open and honest conversation about it to ensure both parties are comfortable and satisfied with their sexual experiences.

Origins and Evolution of the Term “Pillow Princess”

The term “pillow princess” has existed for some time, but its origins can be traced back to the lesbian community. Historically, it referred to a woman who preferred to receive pleasure rather than give it during sexual encounters and would often lie back on pillows while her partner performed oral sex. Over the years, the term has evolved and expanded to include other sexual orientations and identities.

Today, “pillow princess” is used more broadly to describe someone who prefers to receive pleasure rather than give it, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. The term is not necessarily harmful but can be used to perpetuate stereotypes and limit individual preferences.

As society becomes more admitting of diverse sexualities and gender identities, it is essential to recognize that individual preferences and desires are valid and should be respected. While some may identify as pillow princesses, others may not align with the term.

The Impact of Language on Relationships

The language we use to describe ourselves, and others can significantly impact how we perceive ourselves and our relationships. Terms like “pillow princess” can empower those who identify with them but can also limit and perpetuate stereotypes.

It is essential to communicate openly with our partners about our desires and boundaries and to avoid using labels that may reinforce harmful stereotypes or restrict individuality. By staying open-minded and respectful, we can nurture healthy and fulfilling relationships.

The Future of the Term

The term “pillow princess” may change and adapt as language and society evolve. We must challenge harmful stereotypes and promote a more inclusive and respectful understanding of individual preferences and desires.

Ultimately, the most important thing is communicating with our partners and prioritizing mutual respect and pleasure in all aspects of our relationships.

Common Misconceptions About Pillow Princesses

Being a pillow princess can sometimes come with unfair stereotypes and misconceptions. It’s important to dispel these myths to understand better what it means to identify as a pillow princess.

The misconception that pillow princesses are selfish lovers:

It’s often assumed that pillow princesses are only interested in receiving pleasure and have no interest in reciprocating. However, this is not necessarily the case. While some individuals who identify as pillow princesses may prefer to be passive during sexual encounters, this doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy giving pleasure to their partner in other ways. Communication and understanding individual preferences are essential in any sexual relationship.

The misconception that pillow princesses are lazy:

Another common stereotype about pillow princesses is that they are lazy, expecting their partner to do all the work. However, being a pillow princess is about personal preference and what brings an individual pleasure. It’s important to understand that everyone has their sexual style, and there is no right or wrong way to enjoy intimacy with another person.

The misconception that pillow princesses are heterosexual:

Some may associate the term “pillow princess” with heterosexual relationships, but this term can apply to any gender or sexual orientation. It’s essential to recognize that sexual preferences and identities are diverse and fluid, and everyone deserves to feel comfortable and accepted in their skin.

Pillow Princess in Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary is a popular crowd-sourced platform allowing users to submit their definitions for slang terms. Regarding “pillow princess,” Urban Dictionary provides several reports that vary in specificity and tone. Most definitions agree that a pillow princess receives sexual pleasure without reciprocating it. Some entries suggest that pillow princesses may be selfish or lazy in bed.

However, it’s worth noting that Urban Dictionary is not authoritative and should be taken carefully. The definitions provided on this platform may not accurately reflect the broader understanding of the term and may reflect individual biases or opinions.

Moreover, some entries in Urban Dictionary may perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce negative attitudes towards pillow princesses. It’s essential to critically evaluate any definitions on this platform and seek out additional sources to gain a more well-rounded understanding of the term.


In conclusion, understanding “pillow princess” requires a nuanced approach to recognizing individual preferences and identities within relationships. While time may carry certain stereotypes, it ultimately refers to a sexual preference or behavior and should not be used to make assumptions about a person’s character or worth.

By exploring the origins and evolution of the term, as well as common misconceptions and stereotypes, we can better understand what it means to identify as a pillow princess. It is essential to recognize that no one-size-fits-all definition exists and that every individual’s experience is unique.

Whether you are a pillow princess or have a partner who identifies as one, it is essential to communicate openly and honestly about sexual preferences and boundaries. With mutual respect and understanding, individuals can navigate relationships in a fulfilling and empowering way for all parties involved.


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